Did A Doctor Misdiagnose A Stroke?

A serious stroke can have a devastating impact on a person's long-term health and can frequently be fatal. There are telltale stroke symptoms that should cause any reasonable doctor to take immediate action and order specific tests to determine whether the victim is suffering a stroke. When doctors misinterpret or overlook these symptoms and victims suffer strokes that could have been avoided, doctors can and should be held accountable.

If you or a loved one is suffering from the effects of a stroke that occurred due to a doctor's failure to make an accurate or timely diagnosis, you may have grounds to seek compensation in a medical malpractice claim. These are very complex cases that require the attention of an experienced attorney who has been repeatedly recognized as one of the best medical malpractice attorneys in Arizona. At the law firm of Steve German, A Law Firm our attorneys have been handling medical malpractice and failure-to-diagnose stroke claims for more than 20 years in the Phoenix metropolitan and surrounding areas.

Strategic Representation Designed To Secure Maximum Compensation

Proving negligence in a stroke misdiagnosis case can be extremely difficult. It is necessary to show the patient exhibited signs or symptoms of a stroke (or impending stroke) and the doctor either overlooked or ignored them. The defense lawyers who represent the doctors in these cases will insist that any medical professional would have come to the same conclusion under the same circumstances.

We will seek maximum compensation for medical care, loss of enjoyment of life and any other losses that you suffered as the result of an undiagnosed or improperly treated stroke.

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation Regarding Your Medical Malpractice Claim

Your claim requires an experienced medical malpractice attorney. Do not settle for less, or wait to seek advice of an attorney regarding claims involving the failure to diagnose a stroke. We offer a free consultation where you can get your questions answered and learn more about your rights under the law. Please call 480-607-9166 or contact us via email to arrange an appointment.