Seeking Compensation For Anesthesia Errors

Many see the duties of an anesthesiologist as the most important job during surgery. It is this person's job to administer the right amount of anesthesia so that the patient feels nothing but not so much that the patient is unable to recover consciousness after the procedure is complete.

Unfortunately, anesthesia errors do happen, leading to serious injuries and even deaths. At Steve German, A Law Firm, we help people who have been harmed by anesthesia errors. Although no amount of money can compensate you for your losses, we will help you obtain maximum compensation for the hardships caused by medical errors and negligence.

Anesthesia Errors

At Steve German, A Law Firm, we help people who have been injured or fallen ill due to anesthesia errors. There are many ways that the negligent application of anesthesia can cause harm, including:

  • Local anesthesia: Too high a dose can affect your heart rate, respiratory system and other vital body functions.
  • Regional anesthesia: If injected too close to a nerve or the spinal cord, regional anesthesia can cause permanent nervous system damage.
  • General anesthesia: If improperly administered, general anesthesia can cause a heart attack, stroke and even death.

Our attorneys have handled numerous cases involving anesthesia errors and know what evidence to look for to determine whether negligence was the cause of the problem. We have a long track record of success winning maximum compensation for people who have been injured or lost loved ones due to medical malpractice.

Contact Our Firm Today

If you have been injured or lost a loved one due to an anesthesia error, we can help. Please contact us online or by telephone at 480-607-9166 to speak with an experienced Arizona lawyer. We offer free initial consultations and bill on a contingency fee basis with respect to anesthesia malpractice cases. You won't have to pay us unless we win a settlement for you. We represent clients from all over the Phoenix metropolitan area and across the state of Arizona.