Compensation For Heart Attack Victims When Doctor Make Mistakes

A heart attack can lead to substantial long-term health complications that severely impact the victim's quality of life. Damage to the heart muscle can cause fatigue, limited ability to engage in strenuous activity, shortness of breath and other complications. Many heart attacks are preventable, and happen when a doctor fails to recognize the signs or fails to take appropriate action. Failing to diagnose and promptly treat a heart attack can also cause significant injury or death.

In cases where a doctor's negligence contributed to a preventable heart attack, victims may be entitled to compensation for their medical care, loss of income and other considerations. If you believe your heart attack occurred, or was made worse, due to a doctor's failed diagnosis, you should have your case reviewed by a medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible.

Committed To Protecting Your Interests In Complex Med Mal Cases

At the law firm of Steve German, A Law Firm, in Scottsdale, Arizona, we represent patients throughout the Greater Phoenix metropolitan area who are suffering due to medical negligence in diagnosing heart attack symptoms. Taken individually, some heart attack symptoms, such as chest pain, nausea or lightheadedness, may point to other conditions. However, a prompt, appropriate workup can often lead to the necessary diagnosis and treatment.

Our attorneys take the time to fully investigate and identify errors that resulted in your misdiagnosis. We have the knowledge, resources and commitment to gather the evidence necessary to pursue the maximum recovery possible for your claim.

Learn More About Your Rights In Failure To Diagnose Claims

Please contact our office to discuss your case with an experienced Arizona medical malpractice lawyer. We offer a free initial consultation to all new clients. Please call 480-607-9166 or contact us via email to arrange an appointment.