Making A Legal Claim After A Distracted Driving Accident

While cellphones and smart phones have made life more convenient, many drivers are using them while driving instead of paying attention to the road. The end result is a surge in accidents due to drivers who are distracted by their phones. When this type of negligence causes injury, it is important that injured parties have the opportunity to obtain compensation.

At Steve German, A Law Firm, we can help you pursue rightful compensation aggressively. We encourage you to give us a call today at 480-607-9166 to arrange to talk about your situation in a free consultation with an experienced attorney. Based in Scottsdale, we serve clients throughout the Phoenix area and across Arizona.

Thoroughly Investigating Your Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured because another driver was distracted by his or her cellphone or some other digital device, we are committed to analyzing all the details necessary to obtain the compensation to which you may be lawfully entitled.

We can subpoena files from the negligent driver's cellphone service provider to analyze the type of usage that occurred prior to the accident. When we can demonstrate cellphone or texting usage at the time of the accident, it presents compelling evidence of negligent activity by the adverse driver.

If your accident was caused by some other form of distraction, such as fiddling with the radio or changing old-fashioned CDs, we can thoroughly investigate that type of accident as well.

Get An Experienced Lawyer On Your Side

When you partner with our firm, you will work directly with a lawyer throughout the case, and we will do everything possible to obtain the compensation you deserve.

To discuss your case in a free initial consultation, call 480-607-9166 or email us here.